David Lynch, Lost Highway [92'13''; 96'39'']; 1997
PETE. Why didn't you just leave?
Alice doesn't say anything.
She drops her hand - looks down.
PETE. You liked it.
ALICE. If you want me to go away, I'll go away.
The feelings shift inside Pete.
Alice looks in his eyes.
PETE. I don't want you to go away.
Alice smiles a little - leans in and they kiss.
ALICE.(whispers)I love you, Pete.
They kiss some more.
PETE.(desperate whisper)I love you, Alice.
ALICE. So, should I call Andy?
PETE. Andy?
ALICE. That's his name...Andy. Our ticket out of here.
PETE. Yeah. Call him.
Alice gets serious.
ALICE. I'll set it up for tomorrow night.
You'll meet me at his place at eleven
o'clock... Don't drive there... Take a
bus ... Make sure no one follows you...
His address is easy to remember... It's
2224 Deep Dell Place...
It's a white
stucco job on the south side of the
street... I'll be upstairs with Andy...
The back door will be open... That leads
into the kitchen - go through the kitchen
to the living room - there's a bar
there... At eleven fifteen, I'll ask Andy
to fix me a drink... When he does, you
can crack him in the head... Okay?